To know Desi, is a blessing; to work with her as a therapist is the most rewarding journey I have ever taken with anyone. In the 6+ years that I have been working with Desi, my outlook towards my issues have turned around 360 degrees. Her strong intuitiveness, her natural way of guiding me to realizations about myself that I had never understood, and the way she always asks the right questions caused me to dig deep and get in touch with my real feelings. Desi has a talent that other therapists do not have (in my experience with over 8 different therapists). She is naturally caring, naturally intuitive. She is persistent in drawing out your feelings and leading you down a path of discovery each and every time you meet with her. She works to end your session on a good note.
Of all the people in my life, I am the most thankful to know Desi Isidro. She has made me stronger and stronger, each time we meet, and in between. Our sessions have led me to many "a-ha" moments and have set me free from my old thinking. I had this strong feeling she was the one who would help me from the day we met--literally bumping into each other in an office hallway--although I never imagined just how powerful her impact on my life would be. Do not wait, Desi can help you too.
- J.S.